Mini-course on Stochastic Differential Equations
May 02-11, 2018 Jaume I University

The recent years has seen a growing interest in stochastic modeling as stochastic differential equations (SDEs) started to play a more and more important role in divers branches of science and industry. This includes, for instance, applications areas from biology (population growth models), mechanics (Langevin equation), or finance (Cox-Ingersoll-Ross model). Furthermore, as exact solutions to SDEs (basically an ordinary differential equation with the right hand side perturbed by a white noise) are rarely known, one must simulate SDEs numerically. It is therefore essential to understand basic concepts of convergence of numerical methods for SDEs. The mini-course will provide an accessible introduction to stochastic differential equations and numerical methods to solve them. The focus will be on main ideas and important concepts not on proving results. Furthermore, we will discuss applications from physics, biology, and finance. Prerequisites will be kept to a minimum (basic competence in algebra and calculus is assumed, familiarity with fundamental concepts from probability theory and numerical analysis helps).

Topics covered in this mini-course are:

  • Background: probability theory, random variables, and standard Brownian motion
  • Ito stochastic integrals
  • Stochastic differential equations
  • First numerical methods for stochastic differential equations

    Further details can be found here.

    Lectures: Wednesday, 02.05.18 to Friday 11.05.18 (16:00-18:00)

    Introductory slides (02.05.2018).
    Illustrations presented during the mini-course (07.05.2018).
    Photos and descriptions of various mathematicians (07.05.2018).
    Summaries of each chapters seen in the mini-course (09.05.2018).
    Computer labs (09.05.2018).


    This mini-course is organised by Fernando Casas and David Cohen within the framework Erasmus+, we gratefully acknowledge its financial support.

    We thank Jaume I University for the hospitality.


    David Cohen

    Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics
    Umeå universitet
    SE-90187 Umeå

    Fernando Casas

    Departament de Matematiques
    Universitat Jaume I
    E-12071 Castellón de la Plana

    Last modifications: 09.05.18