Discrete Mathematics, V99

Corrections of the exam

  • postcript file.

    Course programme by Thierry Coquand

    Contents of the course

    Notations used in the course, sets, multisets, indexed families, union, intersection, product, power sets, functions, graph, path in a graph, Euler circuit: section 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3

    Cardinal of a set, counting techniques, counting infinite sets: sections 1.2, 1.3, 2.4, 5.2,

    Relations, Order, maximum, supremum, Hasse diagram, transitive closure of a relation, Warshall's algorithm, equivalence relations, Kernel relation, Kruskal's algorithm: sections 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3,

    Well-founded relations, induction, ordinals; applications to proof of correctness and termination of programs: sections 3.1, 4.4,

    Propositional Calculus, Formal Systems, completeness, decidability, finding an expression with a given truth table: sections 6.2, (good to read 6.3 as well),

    Lattices, disjunctive and conjunctive normal form, boolean algebras, simplifying boolean expressions, applications to circuits: section 10.2, (it is good to read 10.1, 10.5 as well)

    Regular Languages and Finite Automata, sections 11.1, 11.2, 11.3, 11.4.

    Goals of the course

    The goal of this course is to present the basic mathematical concepts that are common to mathematics and computer science: basic set theory, theory of relations, counting techniques. It is also a good introduction to the more abstract and rigorous kind of thinking that is needed in some parts of mathematics (algebra, functional analysis, topology) and computer science. I will try to illustrate by various concrete examples and applications these abstract ideas.

    Tentative Schedule


    Here you can find ps- and pdf-files with the exercises we are going to go through in the class.


    Here you can find ps- and pdf- files with the homework assignment.

    Text book

    Additional reading

    Latest exams


    Feel free to contact Thierry Coquand, Andrei Sabelfeld, Peter Bohlin, or Anders Claesson in case you have any questions or problems. Almost everything you get in the class is available electronically. Send me a request if you have missed some stuff.

    Thierry Coquand and Andrei Sabelfeld; Last modified: Wed Apr 12 17:02:13 MET DST 2000