Matematik och Datavetenskap, Chalmers Tekniska Högskola och Göteborgs Universitet

ALA-B, 2004, week 6

Home, w 1, w 2, w 3, w 4, w 5, w 6, w 7. Matlab: analysis, linear algebra, facit.

Goal: Repeat from ALA-A: Linearization. Newton's method.
Linear algebra in Rn: scalar product, linear indepedence, basis, Gauss elimination.

Obligatory work for your individual folder.
94. Taylor's formula (postscript).

90. Linearization and Newton's method. (ps)
Analytic geometry in Rn. Basic: ch Ch 42.3 - 42.9, 42.14-20. Advanced: ch 42.21-22.

Exercises: (Do the obligatory work first.)
basic: 97.1, 2, 3, 4, 5 from 97. The exponential function with a complex variable. (ps)
basic: 90.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 from 90. Linearization and Newton's method. (ps)

Lecture 6.1: Taylor's formula. Linear algebra in Rn.

Studio 6.1: Repear from ALA-A: Implementation of Newton's method for a general system of equations.
This program will be used in Project 12.

Lecture 6.2: Linear algebra in Rn.

Studio 6.2: Linear algebra in R^n, part 1.

Lecture 6.3: Linear algebra in Rn.

Studio 6.3: Project 12. Chemistry teachers will participate.


Last modified: Fri Oct 22 17:39:46 MET DST 1999