Home - Overview - Schedule - Projects - Examination - Software

There will be four lectures during the first weeks. During the following weeks you will have the possibility to meet me on Mondays at 13-15 or on Fridays at 10-12. I prefer answering questions by e-mail but at least initially I will be available in the computer lab at the scheduled times.


Week 1

Monday January 16 at 13-15 in F24
Introduction [pdf] [ps]

Friday January 20 at 10-12 in F24
Implementation of the Finite Element Method [pdf] [ps]

Week 2

Monday January 23 at 13-15 in F24
FEniCS: FIAT, FFC and DOLFIN [pdf] [ps]

Friday January 27 at 10-12 in S4
Python tutorial

Friday January 27 at 17.00
Deadline for project plan!

Week 3

Monday January 30 at 13-15 in F24
Possibly one more lecture

Week 4

Monday February 6 or Friday February 10

Mandatory project progress reports on the project. Book time.

Week 6

Monday February 20 or Friday February 24

Mandatory project progress reports on the project. Book time.

Week 9

Monday March 13 at 10-12 in S1
Presentations of the projects (preliminary date)

Friday March 17 at 10-12 in S4
Presentations of the projects (preliminary date)

Friday March 17 at 17.00
Deadline for report!


Part of the material presented in the lectures has been kindly provided by Johan Hoffman and Anders Logg .