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Latest news
  • All latest news will updated and appear in the course diary
  • All the files are not available/constructed yet. However, they will appear gradually
Examiner and lecturer
Mohammad Asadzadeh (e-mail address: mohammad )
Computer project
Fredrik Lindgren (e-mail address: fredlind)

Course literature

Fresch up

The class meets 3 of the following 4 occasions/week in MVFL33. First meeting: Monday Oct 25

Day Hours
MON 8-10
TUE 10-12
WED 8-10
THU 10-12

Preliminary plan for lectures and classes

Comments and suggested problems
 1  Distributions and the Fourier transform  
 2  Sampling, the FFT, the Hilbert transform,  Exercise class
 3  Multidimensional transforms, the Hankel transform, the Radon transform  Exercise class
 4  Wavelets and filter banks  Exercise class
 5  Multiresolution analysis  Exercise class
 6  Wavelet bases, applications  Exercise class
 7  Reserve time and repetition  Exercise class

Computer labs and Matlab excercises
The assignments are titled FFT, Introduction to Wavelets, and Image Compression. The software program Matlab with tool-boxes is accessible within the studat computer system. Click for downloads:

The examination will be based on the hand-in from three computer assignments, together with a written examination.
Written examination
There will be three opportunities to sit the written examination. Please consult the Student Portal for exact dates and location.

The written examination consists of five problems, with a maximum credit of 5 points per problem. At least 12 points are required to pass the examination. The duration of the exam is five hours. Bring ID and receipt for your student union fee.

You should be able to state and explain all definitions and theorems given in the course and also apply them in problem solving.
During the exam the following aids are permitted: course litterature, lecture notes and calculator.

You will be notified the result of your exam by email from LADOK (This is done automatically as soon as the exams have been marked an the results are registered). The exams will then be kept at the students' office in the Mathematical Sciences building. Check that the number of points and your grade given on the exam and registered in LADOK coincide. Complaints of the marking should be written and handed in at the office. There is a form you can use, ask the person in the office.).

The following link will tell you all about the examination room rules at Chalmers: Examination room instructions

Computer labs
All hand-in shall be composed individually. (However, when working with the assignments, cooperation is encouraged.) The hand-ins should be delivered in the form a pdf-file sent to the examinor no later than the date of the written exam. The reports should be sufficiently complete to be read independently.
The assignments are titled FFT, Introduction to Wavelets, and Image Compression.

Course evaluation
In the beginning of the course, two student representatives for the course will be selected, who will meet with the lecturer in week 46 for a halftime evaluation of course. A final evaluation will then take place in the end of the course. Click to down-load a course evaluation form. Please print the document, fill in your assesments, and deliver the form to the department secretariat.

Old exam papers
Click to download some previous examination papers, with suggested solutions (please note: these should be regarded as exercises only, and not as prototypes for the examination papers to come):
The December '06 paper in pdf; solutions in pdf.
The January '07 paper in pdf; solutions in pdf.
The August '07 paper in pdf; solutions in pdf.
The December '07 paper in pdf;