Jeff Steif


Mathematical Sciences
Chalmers University of Technology

Phone: +46 (0)70 2298318
Email: steif'at'
Room H5017

Lecture notes and slide presentations for an on-line distance course in
measure and integration theory which people are free to use.

My only book
Noise Sensitivity of Boolean Functions and Percolation Coauthored with Christophe Garban
and published by Cambridge University Press.

Research areas: Probability Theory, Percolation and Statistical Mechanics, Ergodic Theory,

Full list of publications

Recent publications

Curriculum Vitae

Some lecture notes and other various notes

Editorial work


Scot Adams, Daniel Ahlberg , Antar Bandyopadhyay , Itai Benjamini, Rob van den Berg, Sebastien Blachere,
Erik Broman, Bob Burton, Ted Cox , Rick Durrett, Malin Palö Forsström , Björn Franzen, Nina Gantert,
Christophe Garban, Olle Häggström, Frank den Hollander, Alexander Holroyd, Johan Jonasson, Michael Keane,
Laurin Köhler-Schindler , Jack Koplowitz, Lorents Landgren, Tom Liggett, Matthias Löwe, Eyal Lubetzky,
Russell Lyons, Ronald Meester, Elchanan Mossel, Olle Nerman, Ryan O'Donnell , Robin Pemantle, Yuval Peres,
Gabor Pete, Charles Pfister, Oded Regev, Fred Roberts, Roberto Schonmann, Oded Schramm, Jacek Serafin,
Perla Sousi, Alexandre Stauffer, Benny Sudakov, Aidan Sudbury, Adam Timar, Balint Toth, Johan Tykesson,
Peter van der Wal, Marcus Warfheimer, Johan Wästlund, Olof Zetterqvist


Old Course Stuff

Topology, January, 2019

Envariabelanalys (first semester calculus) fall, 2011

Ph.D. course on 'Noise sensitivity, sharp thresholds and influences' to be started in October, 2009. See here.

Graduate course in probability theory, Spring 2017

Information for graduate course in graph theory, 2001

Information for combinatorial number theory mini-course

Graduate Course on the Probabilistic Method: Part I (Part II scheduled Period 4, 2012)

Graduate Course on Brownian motion and their intersection properties

Graduate course on Mixing Times for Markov chains, 2014

Graduate Course in Geometric measure theory and
intersection properties of Brownian motion

Graduate course in Percolation theory:
starts fall, 2005

Graduate course in Brownian Motion: January, 2008.

Graduate course in Boolean Functions, Fall 2018, First reading period.

Ph.D. course on 'Interacting Particle Systems' to be started in the fourth reading
period of the academic year 2010-2011. (March 21-May 20, 2011). See here

Information for course DISCRETE MATHEMATICS TMA 965

Graduate course in Topics in Probability theory continuing spring, 2005.

Classical Game theory course coming January, 2003

Graduate course in Topics in Probability: Spring, 2007.

Information for course DISCRETE MATHEMATICS TMA 965, FALL, 2003.

Graduate course in Interacting Particle Systems coming this spring, 2004

Old Conference Stuff

Workshop on Stochastic-geometric and combinatorial ideas in statistical mechanics, Göteborg, June 21-25, 2004.

Minicourse on exchangeable coalescents by Jean Bertoin September 11-15, 2006

Mini-conference in probability, April 4th.


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Last modified: Thu Sep 17 11:49, 2015