Number Theory (MMA 300) - HT10

Contact Information

Schedule (N.B.: Two more lectures will be added at some point between weeks 43 and 49, at times to be agreed upon with the participants).



Week-by-week Schedule


List of Examinable Proofs


Old Exams

Old Course Pages

   Contact Information

Lecturer :   Peter Hegarty, Rum MV:L3032, Tel.: (031) 7725371,


I will write my own lecture notes and homeworks, and hand out photocopied extracts from various texts as needed, so there is no required course literature. There are many good number theory books out there, in case you want to have a text of your own. Here are some possibilities :

(NZM) I. Niven, H. Zuckerman and H. Montgomery, An introduction to the theory of numbers (5th edition), Wiley 1991.

There might be some copies of this book in Cremona.

(HR) : G.H. Hardy, An introduction to the theory of numbers.

A new 2008 edition is in the library.

(N) : M.B. Nathanson, Elementary methods in number theory, Springer GTM Series.

This is not in the library.


There will be 22 lectures and 3 homeworks . Examination will be by means of a written exam at the end of the course. The exam will be graded out of 100 points. A mxaimum of 15 bonus points can be obtained from the homeworks (N.B.: these are NOT obligatory !). You will need a minimum of 50 points in total to pass the course.

   Week-by-week Schedule

As we proceed, completed material will be marked in green. The files of lecture notes, together with the material handed out in class, contain the detailed content of the course. Initially, I will work from my notes from the previous edition of the course in 2008. Only minor changes are anticipated. Any editions will be made in real time, and be available no more than a day after the corresponding lecture.

OBS! The following schedule is approximate and will be continuously updated.

Week Stuff Lecture Notes
43 The origins of number theory in Euclid's Elements (Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic and the Infinitude of Primes).

Complexity of algorithms (Euclid's algorithm and integer factorisation).

44 Linear Diophantine equations and Frobenius numbers.

First applications of FTA to non-linear Diophantine equations : Pythagorean triples and Fermat's Theorem.

First comments on the distribution of the primes.

45 Estimates for pi(x) from Euclid to Euler.

The Prime Number Theorem (PNT). The Riemann zeta function and heuristic arguments for PNT.

Chebyshev's theorem.

Primes in arithmetic progressions : Dirichlet's theorem.

Back to algebra : the ring Z/nZ (Chinese Remainder Theorem) and the group (Z/nZ)*.

Euler's phi-function. The Fermat/Euler theorem and primality testing.



46 Squares (mod 4) and applications : (i) Primes = 1 (mod 4) (ii) Fermat's theorem on the sums of two squares.

Sums of squares and other classical problems in additive number theory.

Quadratic residues in general : Euler's criterion, Gauss lemma and Quadratic reciprocity.

Quadratic forms.

47 Dirichlet L-functions.

Lagrange's theorem on sums of 4 squares.

Introduction to general additive number theory : sumsets.

48 Bases in general : Sidon sets, thin bases. Combinatorial and probabilistic number theory. PDF


49 Thin bases (ctd.) : Chernoff's inequality and Erdös theorem.

A modern outlook : structure in dense random sets.

Van der Waerden's theorem.

Szemer\'{e}di Regularity Lemma and Roth's theorem.



18/12 Exam. 08:30 - 12:30.  


Homework 1 (due Nov. 15) and solutions

Homework 2 (due Nov. 29) and solutions

Homework 3 (due Dec. 13) and solutions

   List of Examinable Proofs



Exam 18/12/10  
PDF   and solutions PDF

Exam xx/04/11   PDF   and solutions PDF

Exam 18/08/11   PDF   and solutions PDF

   Old Exams

201208 and solutions

300807 and solutions

170107 and solutions

170105 and solutions

160403 and solutions

180103 and solutions

220801 and solutions

070401 and solutions

270101 and solutions

   Old Course Pages






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Peter Hegarty <>
Last modified: Sat Dec 18 14:49:00 CET 2010