Course Diary TMA 372 and MMG800, 2015

2015: Exam AND Solutions: tenta_2015-06-09(pdf),
2015: Ordinary Exam AND Solutions: tenta_2015-03-18(pdf),

Latest news

You may pick up your graded assigments 1 and 2 from the box outside my office.
2014: Ordinary Exam AND Solutions: tenta_2014-03-12(pdf),
Assignment 1 problem 3 has changed. Please see the new file: New Assignment_1 (pdf),

Below is the progress of the course so far:

  • Study weak 1: Covered Chapters 0 and 2 from the Lecture Notes
  • Study weak 2: Covered Chapters 3 and 5 from the Lecture Notes.
  • Study weak 3: Covered Chapters 6 (basically) from the Lecture Notes.
  • Study weak 4: Covered Chapters 8 and 9 from the Lecture Notes.
    2013: Ordinary Exam AND Solutions: tenta_2013-03-13(pdf),

    Answers to some exercises in CDE (pdf),

  • Ordinary Exam of 2011 with Solutions: Exam 2011-03-14 (pdf),
  • Ordinary Exam of 2010 with Solutions: Exam 2010-03-08 (pdf),

  • Please do not! submit your solutions by e-mail.

  • Study Guide:

    Week 1: Chapters 0 and 2.
    Week 2: Chapters 3 and 5.

    Extra Support Material:

    1. MATLAB Manual

    2. PDE Lecture Notes

    3. MATLAB Code Examples: poisson.m, poi2D.m

    Sample Exam Questions:

    At least one question on the final exam will be to prove one of the following theorems.

  • Theorem 3.1: Prove the interpolation error estimate (1) for q=1 and p=infinity.

  • Show that the boundary value problem, variational formulation and minimization problems are equivalent.

  • Theorem 5.4+ Theorem 5.5 + Remark 5.2: A priori error estimate for boundary value problem.

  • Theorem 5.6: A posteriori error estimate for boundary value problem.

  • Theorem 6.2. Prove the stability estimates for the initial value problem.

  • Summarize the Lax-Milgram theorem.
    As for the proof of Lax-Milgram theorem (Theorem 9.5, page 235),
    you may use Remark 9.1 (page 235)+ the proof of Theorem 9.3 (pages 232-234) in lecture notes on web-site.

  • Theorem 10.1: A priori error estimate for the Poisson equation.

  • Theorem 10.3: A posteriori error estimate for the Poisson equation.

  • Theorem 11.1: Stability and energy estimates for the heat equation.

    Exams and Solutions:

    2011-08-29(pdf), 2011-08-24(pdf), 2011-06-04(pdf), 2011-03-14(pdf), 2010-03-08(pdf), 2010-01-12(pdf),
    2009-08-26(pdf), 2009-03-09(pdf), 2009-01-13(pdf), 2008-03-10 (pdf), 2006-12-18 (pdf),

    Old Exams:
    2005-12-13 (pdf), 2004-12-14 (pdf), 2001-12-18 (pdf); 2002-12-17 (pdf); 2003-12-16 (pdf); 2004-04-13 (pdf)

    2005-12-13 (pdf), 2004-12-14 (pdf), 2001-12-18 (pdf); 2002-12-17 (pdf); 2003-12-16 (pdf); 2004-04-13 (pdf)

    Support material (mixed swedish and english) under construction :

    3. Exercises, and Solutions

    4. Problems, and Answers (to odd problems)

    Editor: M. Asadzadeh
    Last modified: 2015-01-09