MVE165/MMG630 Applied Optimization

MVE165/MMG630, Applied Optimization (7.5 hec), spring 2009

This is the homepage for last year's course. For this years course, see Applied Optimization 2010

This page is created as a student support for the course MVE165/MMG630, Applied optimization. The page contains (or will contain) course programs, schedules, and exercise and assignment information. Lecture notes will be posted prior to the respective lectures.

Some of the lectures has been moved to other classrooms. For an updated schedule: see Schedule, Applied Optimization (Updated 25 March 2009)

Links to more courses in Optimization at Chalmers and University of Gothenburg.


Course information

Main course literature 2009:

Optimization in Operations Research, by R. L. Rardin, published by Prentice-Hall, Inc. New Jersey, 1998, found at Cremona.

Alternative textbooks: reading instructions



On the oral examination for higher grades

Lecture notes

Week 12 Week 13 Week 14 Week 17 Week 18 Week 19