Book Reviews
Ulf Persson
Department of Mathematics
Chalmers University
of Technology

Martin Amis:Koba the dread

Lars Gyllensten\&Georg Klein:Hack i häl på Minerva


C.P.Snow:The Two Cultures


Gore Vidal:Julian


Ingemar Hedenius:Herbert Tingsten - Människan och demokraten

Notiser om Liv och Död:H.Tingsten

Göran Hägg:Praktisk Retorik

Fernand Braudel:A History of Civilizations

Martin Gardner:Are Universes Thicker Than Blackberries?


David Lodge:Consciousness and the Novel


John Keay:India - A History

Martin Amis:The Rachel Papers

Mario Vargas Llosa:The Feast of the Goat

Stanley Wolpert:India - an introduction

Barbara D.Metcalf and Thomas R. Metcalf:A Concise History of INDIA

J.Diamond:The Rise and Fall of the Third Chimpanzee

J.Myrdal:Indien väntar

Kamala Das:A Childhood in Malabar

Nicholas Murray:Aldous Huxley - An English Intellectual

Anders Karlquist:Århundradets Matematik

Margaret Atwwod:Negotiating with the Dead

Peter Englund:Tystnadens historia - och andra essäer

John Keegan:Churchill

Harold Bloom:Genius

Melvyn Bragg:The Adventure of English

Iris Murdoch:an accidental man

Mark Blumberg:Body Heat

H.Tingsten:När skymningen faller på

Margaret MacMillan:Paris:1919

Herbert Tingsten:Flyktförsök

A.du Botton:Kiss and Tell

Anita Desai:Baumgartner's Bombay

Steven Pinker:The Language Instinct

Katharine Tait:My father Betrand Russell

Sarvepalli Gopal:Jawaharlal Nehru

Hobsbawm:The Age of Revolution

Paul Theroux:Dark Star Safari

E.Hobsbawm:Interesting Times

K.Singh:Train to Pakistan

J.Updike:Seek my Face

R.J.Evans:The coming of the Third Reich

K.Popper:Unended Quest

Alain de Botton:essays in love

L.Ingelstam:Kampen om Kunskapen





Jan Morris:Heaven's Command

John Maynard Keynes:The Economic consequences of the Peace

R.Dawkins:A Devil's Chaplain

C.Johnson et al:Dreams of Calculus


E.Hobsbawm:The Age of Capital

Jim Corbett:The man-eaters of Kumaon

H.Nicolson:Peacemaking 1919

S.Bellow:The Victim

S.Endo:Foreign Studies


S.Nordin:Ingemar Hedenius - En filosof och hans tid

Susan Sontag:On Photography

I.Hedenius:Varför blev jag den jag är?

E.Hobsbawm:The Age of Empire

C.Dickens:The Old Curiosity Shop

E.Hussey:The Pre-socratics

C.E.Schorske:Fin-de-Siecle Vienna

A.Janik and S.Toulmin:Wittgensteins Vienna

A. de Botton:Status Anxiety

G.Lefebvre:The French Revolution

C-G Ekerwald:Frihet, Jämlikhet, Briderskap - Ett försök att förstå franska revolutionen

S.Nordin:Filosofernas Krig

Plato:The Last Days of Socrates

Olof Lagercrantz:Eftertankar om Strindberg

R.Penrose:The Road to Reality - A complete guide to the laws of the Universe

Inger Enkvist:Trängd mellan politik och pedagogik - Svensk språkutbildning efter 1990

C.Tomalin:Pepys - The Unequalled Self

D.Hume:An Enquiry concerning Human Understanding

H.W.French:A Continent for the Taking - The Tragedy and Hope of Africa

William James:The Principles of Psychology - Vol. I

Colin McGinn:Mindsight

A.Zamoyski:1812 - Napoleons Fateful March on Moscow

E.Burke:Reflections on the Revolution in France

I.Murdoch:The Sandcastle


D.Lodge:The practice of writing

Plato:The Symposium

G.Aly:Hitlers Volksstaat - Raub, Rassenkrieg und nationaler Sozialismus

William James:The Principles of Psychology - Vol II

E.Hobsbawm:The Age of Extremes

N.Ferguson:Empire - How Britain made the modern world

R.Swartz:Room Service

G.Frege:Funktion, Begriff, Bedeutung - Fünf logische Studien

J.S.Mill:On Liberty

Th.Mann: Doktor Faustus

J.Roth:Kaffeehaus-Frühling - Ein Wien-Lesebuch

E.H.Gombrich:The Preference for the Primitive - Episodes in the History of Western Taste and Art


Bo Bergman:Hjalmar Söderberg

S.Andersson:Om Vetenskapens Gränser

M.Bulgakov:The Master and Margarita


J.W.Goethe:Faust I

F.Dürrennatt:Die Physiker

L-O.Larsson:Gustav Vasa - Landsfader eller Tyrann

I.Andersson:Erik XIV

S.Bais:The equations - icons of knowledge

K.Carlqvist:Kung Erik av folket

N.Machiavelli:The Prince

C.McGinn:The Mysterious Flame - Conscious minds in a material world

S.S.Montefiori:Stalin - The court of the red tsar

R.Kapuscinski:The Shadow of the Sun

D.Dennett:Consciousness Explained

W.G.Sebald:Die Ringe des Saturn

T.Nagel:What does it all man?

C.McGinn:Problems of Philosophy - The Limits of Inquiry

T.Judt:Postwar - A history of Europe since 1945

H.James:The Turn of the Screw

J.Maynard Smith and E.Szathmary:the origins of life - from the Birth of Life to the Origin of Language

C.McGinn:The making of a Philosopher

M.Bienert (HG):Joseph Roth in Berlin - Ein Lesebuch für Spaziergänger

H. Ashbury Turner, Jr:The Two Germanies since 1945

A.Armitage:The World of Copernicus

M.Ignatieff:Isaiah Berlin - A life

M. Reich-Ranicki:Nichts als Literatur - Aufsätze und Anmerkungen

W.G.Sebald:Luftkrieg und Literatur

B.Russell:Human Society in Ethics and Politics


E.Janson:tiden och döden - Kungliga gravöppningar

M.Strömstedt:Astrid Lindgren - En Levnadsteckning

P.Ackroyd:London - The biography

G.Wetterberg:Levande 1600-tal

R.P.Martinsson:Russells kalkon - En bok om hur Gud och vetenskapen formade den västerländska civilizationen


R.J.Evans:The Third Reich in Power

Y.Kawabata:The Lake

S.Weinberg:The First Three Minutes - A Modern View of the Origin of the Universe

E.Wilson:To the Finland Station - A study in the Writing and Acting of History

D.Dennett:Darwins Dangerous Idea - Evolutions and the Meaning of Life

A.J.P. Taylor:Bismarck - The Man and the Statesman

E.Eyck:Bismarck and the German Empire

Y.Kawabata:Snow Country

I.Murdoch:the sea, the sea


N.Nicolson:Portrait of a Marriage

E.Hemingway:Green Hills of Africa


A.Grafen\&M.Ridley eds.:Richard Dawkins - How a scientist changed the way we think

R.McGhee:The Last Imaginary Place - A Human History of the Arctic World

G.Kennan:The Decline of Bismarcks European order - Franco-Russian Relations 1875-1890

R.Kapuscinsky:På resa med Herodotus

A. de Botton:The Architecture of Happiness

W.James:The Will to Believe - and other essays


S.Rushdie:Midnight's Children


J.Diamond:Collapse - How Societies choose to fail or suceed

B.Ekström:Äventyr i Karamoja

K.Popper:The Poverty of Historicism

G.T. di Lampedusa:Leoparden

S.Mehta:Maximum City - Bombay, Lost and Found


H.G.Wells:A Short History of the World

O.Pamuk:Istanbul - Memories of a city

J.Flanders:Consuming Passion - Leisure and Pleasure in the Victorian Age

S.Roberts:Coxeter - King of Infinite Space

A.Manguel:With Borges


E.Canetti:Party im Blitz - Die englischen Jahre

J.Didion:The year of magical thinking

D.Blackbourn:The Conquest of Nature

R.Kapusinski:Another Day of Life


C.Hibbert:The Making of Charles Dickens

A.Beevor:The Spanish Civil War

G.Orwell:Homage to Catalonia

M.Svegfors:Dag Hammarsköld - Den förste moderne svensken

I.Berlin:Russian Thinkers

N.Ljeskov:Den gamla Goda Tiden


R.G.Collingwood:The Idea of History

I.B.Cohen:The Triumph of Numbers - How counting shaped the modern life

I.Nemirovsky:Storm över Frankrike

C.Stringer:Homo Britannicus - The Incredible Story of Human Life in Britain

R.McKie, (C.Stringer):African Exodus

W.F.Ruddiman:Plows, Plagues\& Petroleum - How Humans Took Control of Climate

T.Flannery:The Weather Makers - The history and future impact of climate change

M.Ridley:Francis Crick - Discoverer of the genetic code

F.Crick:What Mad Pursuit - A personal view of scientific discovery

D.Leavitt:The Man who knew too much - Alan Turing and the Invention nof the Computer

N.Luther:Hyderabad - A biography

I.Enkvist:Uppfostran och Utbildning

C.Clark:Iron Kingdom - The Rise and Downfall of Prussia, 1600-1947

R.G.Collingwood:Roman Britain

D.Dennett:Breaking the Spell - Religion as a natural phenomenon

L.Hogben:Lancelot Hogben-Scientific Humanist - An unauthorized autobiography

E.Hemingway:For whom the Bells toll

R.G.Collingwood:The Idea of Nature

S.Stolpe:Idyll och orosmoln

S.Stolpe:Stormens år



R.G.Collingwood:An Autobiography

S.Weinberg:Dreams of a final theory

H.Arendt:Eichmann in Jerusalem

M.Balaguer:Platonism and Anti-Platonism in Mathematics


R.Hersh:What is Mathematics Really?

R.G.Collingwood:Principles of Art

M.Reich-Ranicki:Thomas Mann und die Seinen

P.Handke:Der kurze Brief zum langen Abschied

M.Frisch:Der Mensch erscheint im Holozäan

H.Mann:Professor Unrat

P.J.Davis and R.Hersh:Descartes' Dream - The world according to mathematics

S.Sontag:Against Interpretation

F. de Saussure:Course in General Linguistics

H.James:The Europeans

W.Dalrymple:White Mughals

W.Dalrymple:The Last Mughal

E.Hemingway:The Moveable Feast

H.James:Washington Square

H.James:The Spoils of Poynton

I.Turgenjev:En Jägares Dagbok


P.Handke:Jugoslawien - Abschied, Winterliche Reise, Sommerlicher Nachtrag

C.S.Peirce:Philosophical Writings

H.James:What Maisie knew

A.Manguel:Nattens Bibliotek

A.Politkovskaja:Putins Ryssland

Plato:The Republic

J.E.Raven:Platons Tankevärld

W.James:Radical Empiricism

L.Simon:Genuine Reality - A Life of William James

W.James:Selected letters

N.Chomsky:Language and Responsibility

M.MacMillan:Seize the Hour - When Nixon met Mao

N.Chomsky:Reflections on Language

K.Popper:The Open Society and its Enemies - The Spell of Plato

G.H.Hardy:A Mathematicians Apology

H.Mann:Der Untertan

P.Wästberg:De hemliga rummen

J.Brent:C.S.Peirce - A Life

S.Hadenius:Gustav V - A Biography

K.Popper:The Open Society and its Enemies - Hegel and Marx

A.Lundqvist:Vulkanernas Kontinent


A.Lundkvist:Livsälskare, Svartmålare - En fantasi om Goya

A.Björnsson:Osmanernas rike - ett försummat europeiskt arv

D.Hay:The Medieval Centuries

R.Richardson:William James - In the Maelstrom of American Modernism

D.Lodge:Author, Author


A.N.Whitehead:The Concept of Nature

K.Marx:The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte

W.James:Talks to Teachers

G.Robb:The Discovery of France

R.Skidelsky:John Maynard Keynes - Economist, Philosopher, Statesman

P.Levy:Moore - G.E.Moore and the Cambridge Apostles

D.Kehlmann:Die Vermessung der Welt

K.Jaspers:Einführung in die Philosophie

K.Popper:Alle Menschen sind Philosophen

A.Wedberg:Filosofins Historia - Antiken och Medeltiden

A.Wedberg:Filosofins Historia - Nyare Tiden till Romantiken

A.Wedberg:Filosofins Historia - Bolzano to Wittgenstein

G.Frege:Funktion, Begriff, Bedeutung - Fünf logische Studien

H.Heine:Die Harzreise

B.Russell:Filosofins problem

B.Russell:The History of Western Philosophy

J.L.Austin:Sense and Sensibilia

A.Huxley:Point Counterpoint

D.H.Lawrence:The First Lady Chatterley

E.Hemingway:The Sun also rises

A.Chekov:Stories - The Kiss etc

E.Hemingway:The Snows of Kilimanjaro etc

A.Sokal:Beyond the Hoax - Science, Philosophy and Culture

D.Wells:Mathematics and Abstract Games - An Intimate Connection

R.Lane Fox:The Classical World

D.H.Lawrence:Lady Chatterleys Lover

W.Dalrymple:City of Djinns - A year in Delhi

S.Rushdie:Step Across This Line

K.Singh:India - An Introduction

R.Carnap:Philosophical Foundations of Physics - An Introduction to the Philosophy of Science

A.Sen:The Argumentative Indian

P.K. Varma:Being Indian

A.Ali:Twilight in Delhi


R.Tagore:Selected Short Stories

S-E.Liedman:Sven-Eric Liedman Blickar tillbaka

B.Russell:ABC of Relativity

N.Chomsky:Powers and Prospects - Reflections on Human Nature and the Social Order

N.Hornby:High Fidelity

B.Bryson:Mother Tongue

M.H.Hacohen:Karl Popper - The Formative years 1902-1945

D.Crystal:How language works

E.Gellner:Words and Things

K.D.Harrison:When Languages Die - The Extinction of the Worlds Languages and the Erosion of Human Knowledge


D.L.Sayers:The Nine Tailors

Y.Manin:Mathematics as Metaphor

S.Stolpe:Låt mig berätta mera

J.Buchan:Crowded with Genius - The Scottish Enlightenment: Edinburgh's Moment of the Mind

G.E.Moore:Principia Ethica

C.McGinn:Shakespeare and Philosophy - The meaning behind the plays

P.Wästberg:Vägarna till Afrika - En memoar

P.Wästberg:Förbjudet Område

P.Roth:Sabbath's Theatre

E.H.Carr:What is History

H.Read:Det moderna måleriets historia

R.Fry:Konsten och Livet

A.N.Whitehead:An Introduction to Mathematics

V.Woolf:Roger Fry - A biography

L.Tolstoy:What is Art?

D.Kehlmann:Ruhm - Ein Roman in neun Geschichten

E.H.Ulvros:Oscar I

E.Hobsbawm:Globalization, Democracy and Terrorism


S.Rushdie:The Satanic Verses

E.Jünger:Auf den Marmorklippen

L.Wittgenstein:Tractus - logico-philosophicus

M.du Sautoy:The Music of the Primes

J.Derbyshire:Prime Obsession - Bernhard Riemann and the Greatest Unsolved Problem in Mathematics

A.Smith:The Wealth of Nations - An Inquiry into the Nature and causes of the

C.Erickson:Brief Lives of the English Monarchs - From William the Conqueror to Elizabeth II

J.Berger:Ways of Seeing

T.Fontane:Unterm Birnbaum

W.G.Sebald:Die Ausgewanderten - Vier lange Erzählungen

B.Russell:My Philosophical Development

H.Read:To Hell with Culture

J.Friedrich:Der Brand - Deutschland im Bombenkrieg 1940-1945

E.Jünger:In Stahlgewittern

G.Berkeley:Principles of Human Knowledge

E.Wilson:A Window on Russia

I.Bergman:Laterna Magica

R.Evans:Till Historiens Försvar

S.Bergman:De Tusen öarna

G.Berkeley:Three Dialogues

M. du Sautoy:Finding Moonshine

K.Devlin:The Language of Mathematics - Making the invisible visible

K.Devlin:Goodbye Descartes - The End of Logic and the Search for a new Cosmology of the Mind

G.B.Malleson:Akbar - and the rise of the Mughal empire

K.Devlin:The Millennium Problems - The seven greatest unsolved Mathematical Puzzles of our Time

I.Turgenev:Literary Reminiscences

H.Poincare:Science and Hypothesis

L.Sterne:A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy

Erik H.Erikson:Young Man Luther - A Study in Psychoanalysis and History

F.Kafka:In der Strafkolonie

L.Lönnroth:Dörrar till främmande rum - Minnesfragment

K.Devlin:The Math Instinct

W.Heisenberg:Physics and Philosophy - The Revolution in Modern Science

L.S.Vygotsky:Fantasi och Kreativitet i Barndomen

K.Devlin: The Math Gene

C.O'Regan: I Stormens öga

P.French: The World is What it is - The authorized biography of V.S.Naipaul

F.Inglis: History Man - The Life of R.G.Collingwood

K.Devlin: Mathematics - The New Golden Age

W.L.Fox: Terra Antarctica - Looking into the emptiest Continent

C.Hill: The Century of Revolution

Th.Mann: Der Tod in Venedig

G.Stein: Picasso

P.H.Wilson: Europe's Tragedy - A History of the Thirty Years War

B.Russell: Religion and Science

J.S.Mill: Autobiography

M.Bulgakov: Black Snow

J.D.Watson: Avoid Boring People - and other lessons from a life in science

R.G.Collingwood: The Principles of History - and other writings in philosophy of history

R.Goldstein: 36 arguments for the existence of God

T.Franzen: Gödels Theorem - An incomplete guide to its use and abuse

W.Lowrie: A Short Life of Kierkegaard

C.Albaret: Monsieur Proust

J.Cocteau: Les Enfants Terribles

V.Glendinning: Jonathan Swift

O.Sacks: Musicophilia

A. de Tocqueville: The old r\'egime and the French Revolution

H.Hesse: Der Steppenwolf

J.W.Goethe: Die Leiden des jungen Werthers - Erste Fassung von 1774

The God of small things: A.Roy

S. Rushdie: East,West

J.M.G. Le Cl\'ezio: Terra Amata

J.M.Coetzee: The Master of Petersburg

A.Smith: The Theory of Moral Sentiments

A. de Button, 2010: A Week at the Airport - A Heathrow diary

I.Stewart: letters to a young mathematician

H.Berggren: Underbara dagar framför oss - En biografi över Olof Palme

R.Goldstein: The Mind-Body Problem

I.Stewart: From Here to Infinity - A Guide to Today's Mathematics

R.Goldstein: Incompleteness - The Proof and Paradox of Kurt Gödel

A. Robbe-Grillet: Jealousy

T.Judt: Ill Fares the Land

B.Fagan: The Little Ice Age - How Climate made History 1300-1850

J.Keegan: The American Civil War

P.Theroux: The Elephanta Suite

C.Belsey: Post-structuralism - A Very Short Introduction

T.Judt: Reappraisals - Reflections on the Forgotten Twentieth Century

A.Koestler: Darkness at Noon

D.Beerling: The Emerald Planet - How Plants Changed Earth's History

F:Schiller: Die Räuber

D.Lieven: Russia against Napoleon

W.G.Sebald: Logis in einem Landhaus

A de Botton: The Pleasures and Sorrows of Work

S.Okasha: Philosophy of Science - A Very Short Introduction

Th.Levenson: Newton and the Counterfeiter

P.H.Matthews: Linguistics - A Very Short Introduction

B.Pares: A History of Russia

Joseph Roth: Die Geschichte von der 1002. Nacht

Isaac Deutscher: Stalin

R.Medvedev: Let History Judge

G.Robb: Parisians - An Adventure History of Paris

J.Reed: Ten Days That Shook the World

T.Judt: The Memory Chalet

M. Pitici (ed): The Best Writing on Mathematics in 2009

W.Dalrymple: The Age of Kali - Indian Travels and Encounters

A.J.P.Taylor: A Personal History

J.K.Gailbraith: Name-Dropping

M.Gessen: Perfect Rigour

S.Fitzpatrick: The Russian Revolution

J.McPhee: Oranges

G.Walker: Snowball Earth

S-E.Liedman: Hets! - En bok om skolan

A. de Botton: Essays in Love

R. Goldstein: Betraying Spinoza - The Renegade Jew who gave us Modernity

B.Russell: The Philosophy of Logical Atomism

J.E.Neale: The Age of Catherine de Medici

L.Gustafsson: Mot noll - Matematiska fantasier strax intill det kungliga rummet

J.H.Plumb ed.: Renaissance Profiles

Shakespeare: The Winter's tale

B.Pasternak: I Remember - Sketch for an Autobiography

S.Pinker: The Stuff of Thought

B.Russell: Fact and Fiction

A.Huxley: Grey Eminence

S.Fuller: Kuhn versus Popper - The Struggle for the Soul of Science

C.Bartocci et al: Mathematical Lives - Protagonists of the Twentieth Century

A.Schnitzler: Sterben

D.Crystal: The Stories of English

W.Benjamin: Das Kunstwerk im Zeitalter seiner technischen Reproduzierbarkeit

S.Schama: The Embarrassment of Riches - An interpretation of Dutch Culture n the Golden Age

R.M.Rilke: Zwei Prager Geschichten

D.Sayers: Clouds of Witness

U.Eco: Art and Beauty in the Middle Ages

G.Michael: Sådant är Afrika -Mitt liv som Storviltjägare

P.C.Jersild: Barnens ö

R.Binion: Frau Lou - Nietzsche's wayward disciple

K.Popper : Auf der Suche nach einer besseren Welt - Vorträge und Aufsätze aus dreissig Jahren

Stendhal: Travels in the South of France

E.T.A.Hoffmann: Der goldne Topf

V.K.Arsenjev: Vilt - Människor och djur i Sibirisk urskog

F.Schiller: Maria Stuart

O.Wilde: Salome

M.Magnusson: Scotland - The Story of a Nation

E.Fay: Original Letters from India

M.Parner: Virtuoser med blick för talens magi

W.G.Sebald: Campo Santo

P.Ahlmark: Gör inga dumheter medan jag är död

D.Strakey: Six Wives - The Queens of Henry VIII

A.F.Pollard: Henry VIII

K.Popper: Conjectures and Refutations

M.Beard\&J.Henderson: Classics - A Very Short Introduction

B.Bryson: At Home

Peter Gärdenfors: Hur Homo blev sapiens - om tänkandets evolution

Peter Gärdenfors: Tankens vindlar - Om språk, minne och berättande

K.Popper: The Myth of the Framework - In defense of science and rationality

W.Benjamin: Sprache und Gesichte - Philosophische Essays

G.Tremlett: Catherine of Aragon - Henry's Spanish Wife

W.Shakespeare: All is True - Henry VIII

A.Fraser: Mary Queen of Scots

K.Popper: The Logic of Scientific Discovery

R.Dawkins: The Greatest Show on Earth - The Evidence for Evolution

O.Wilde: Lady Windermere's fan

J.Conrad: The Duel

K.Popper: Objective Knowledge - An Evolutionary Approach

O.Wilde: A Woman of No Importance

K.Popper: All Life is Problem Solving

C.Darwin: On the Origin of Species

O.Wilde: An Ideal Husband

W.Thesiger: Arabian Sands

O.Wilde: The Importance of Being Earnest

D.Wells: Maths, Games & Recreations - An Intimate Connection

C.McGinn: Consciousness and its objects

S.Fitzpatrick: Everyday Stalinism

J.Fodor & M.Piattelli-Palmarini: What Darwin Got Wrong

A.Strindberg: Till Damaskus

P.Ahlmark: Gör inga dumheter medan jag är död

D.Strakey: Six Wives - The Queens of Henry VIII

M.Bulgakov: White Guard

A.S.Eddington: Space,Time and Gravitation - An Outline of the General Relativity Theory

E. von Arnim: The Enchanted April

R.G.Collingwood: An Essay on Philosophical Method

L.Strachey: Eminent Victorians

F.Hayek: The Road to Serfdom

G.Greene: The Human Factor

J.Roth: Das Spinnennetz

S.Freud: Das Unbehagen in der Kultur

A.Strindberg: Svarta Fanor

A.Strindberg: Götiska Rummen

A.Strindberg: I vårbrytningen

H.D.F.Kitto: The Greeks - A Study of the character and history of an ancient civilization

J.Chadwick: Mykenes röst - Tolkningen av Linear B

Th. Fontane: Irrungen, Wirrungen

A. de Botton: How to Think More about Sex

H.D.F.Kitto: In the Mountains of Greece

T.Judt: A Grand Illusion? - An Essay on Europe

J.Passmore: A Hundred Years of Philosophy

E.T.A.Hoffmann: Die Bergwerke zu Falun/Der Artushof

A.Fraser: The Six Wives of Henry VIII

C.Darwin: Autobiographies

R.Fortey: The Earth - An Intimate History

Th.Fontane: C\'ecile

M.Rudwick: The Great Devonian Controversy - The Shaping of Scientific Knowledge among Gentlemanly Specialists

M.Rudwick: The Meaning of Fossils - Episodes in the History of Palaeontology

S.J.Gould: Time's Arrow and Time's Cycle - Myth and Metaphor in the Discovery of Geological Time

A. de Botton: Religion for Atheists

A.Ash & R.Gross: Fearless Symmetry - Exposing the Hidden Patterns of Numbers

P.Ziegler: The Black Death

Th.Fontane: Unwiederbringlich

J&F Gies: Life in a Medieval City

N.Malcolm: Minnen av Wittgenstein

R.Goldstein: Properties of Light

A.Gide: Travels in the Congo

Th.Fontane: Graf Petöfy

O.Josephsson: "ju"

A.Gide: If It Die

Th.Fontane: L'Adultera

B.Russell: An Inquiry into Meaning and Truth

J.Barnes: Pulse

Th.Fontane: Stine

Th.Bernhard: Wittgensteins Neffe - Eine Freundschaft

H.James: The Portrait of a Lady

F.Harris: Oscar Wilde - His Life and Confessions

O.Wilde: Lord Arthur Savile's Crime - and other stories

Th.Fontane: Die Poggenpuhls

O.Wilde: The Happy Prince and Other Tales

D.Seward: The Hundred Years War - The English in France, 1337-1453

D.Seward: The War of the Roses

W.Shakespeare: Richard III

S-E.Liedman: Livstid

O.Wilde: The Portrait of Mr W.H.

A.L.Rowse: The Elizabethan Renaissance - The Life of the Society

F.Schiller: Die Jungfrau von Orleans

Th. Fontane: Mathilde Möhring

L.Sacher-Masoch: Venus im Pelz

F.Dostojevskij: En Underjordisk Dagbok

J-P. Sartre: Nausea

Th.Fontane: Frau Jenny Treibel

B.Danielsson: Den lyckliga ön

M. McCarthy: The Group

Th.Fontane: Meine Kinderjahre - Autobiographischer Roman

Th.Fontane: Kriegsgefangen - Erlebtes 1870

W.Shakespeare: Richard II

R.G.Collingwood:Religion and Philosophy

Th.Fontane:Effi Briest

Th. Fontane:Der Stechlin

O.Wilde:A House of Pomegranates

J.Wood:How Fiction Works

R.G.Collingwood:Religion and Philosophy

Th.Fontane:Effi Briest

Th. Fontane:Der Stechlin

O.Wilde:A House of Pomegranates

J.Wood:How Fiction Works

Th.Fontane:Grete Minde

E.T.A.Hoffmann:Das Fräulein von Scuderi


M.Frisch:Antwort aus der Stille

C. de Bellaigue:Patriot of Persia - and a very British coup

Th.Nagel:Mind & Cosmos

S.Sontag:Under the Sign of Saturn

K.Stålberg:De Gaulle - Generalen som var Frankrike

S.Nordin:1900-talet - En biografi

H.Mantel:Bring up the Bodies


M.Vassiltchikov:Berlin Diaries 1940-1945

M.Gorra:Portrait of a Novel - Henry James and the making of an American Masterpiece

Th.Fontane:Ein Sommer in London

H.James:The Aspern Papers

R.Descartes:A Discourse on the Method


H.Melville:Billy Budd, Sailor

A.J.P. Taylor:Essays in English History

Th.Bernhard:Alte Meister

Th.Fontane:Altes romantisches Land - Impression aus Frankreich

E.T.Bell:Development of Mathematics

J.Austen:Mansfield Park

J.Austen:Northanger Abbey

M.S-Y. Chwe: Jane Austen, Game Theorist

S.Zweig:Die Welt von Gestern - Erinnerungen eines Europäers

Th.Fontane:Von Zwanzig bis Dreissig

Th.Fontane:Schach von Wuthenow

P.Sjögren:Theodore Fontane - förnuft och fantasi


H.Fallada:Damals bei uns daheim

B.Mandelbrot:The Fractalist - Memoir of a Scientific Maverick


A.Huxley:Crome Yellow

S.T.Bindoff:Tudor England

D.Kahneman:Thinking, Fast and Slow

H.Lindqvist:När Finland var Sverige

A Gide:Strait is the Gate

Th.Bernhard:Meine Preise

Th.Mann:Goethe und Tolstoi

A.J.Ayer:Language, Truth and Logic

Jerome K. Jerome:Three Men in a Boat

B.Russell:Unpopular Essays


D.Lodge:Deaf Sentence

J.K.Jerome:Three Men on the Bummel


Platon (Translation into Swedish by Jan Stolpe):Faidon

K.Lorenz:Civilisationens åtta dödssynder

H.L.Shapiro:Peking Man - The Discovery, Disappearance and Mystery of a Priceless Scientific Treasure

W.Shakespeare:Julius Caesar

H.Fallada:Bauern, Bonzen und Bomben

A.Herman:The Scottish Enlightenment - The Scots' Invention of the Modern World

S.Rushdie:Joseph Anton

A.Fraser:King Charles II

H. von Kleist:Der Findling

Towards the End of the Morning:M.Frayn

M.Gayford:Constable in Love - Love, Landscape, Money and the Making of a Great Painter


J.Austen:Sense and Sensibility

H.Mantel:Wolf Hall

G.Flaubert:Sentimental Education

Efr.Andersson:På Upptäcksfärd bland Kongos Dvärgfolk

D.L.Sayers:The Unpleasantness at the Bellona Club

M.Lermontov:A Hero of Our Time

A.Pushkin:The Captain's Daughter

Th.Mann:Der Alte Fontane

H.Söderberg:Den allvarsamma leken

A.Pushkin:The Tales of Belkin

Th.Mann:Versuch über Tschechow

H. von Kleist:Die Marquise von O...

A.Pushkin:The Queen of Spades

H. von Kleist:Die Verlobung in St.Domingo

A. Pushkin:The Negro of Peter the Great/Kirdjali


R.Gray:Goethe - a critical introduction

A.Schweitzer:Goethe - Five Studies

D.Lodge:A Man of Parts

C.Burman:Folk jag aldrig mött

J.P.Eckermann:Gespräche mit Goethe

J.L.Borges:Seven Nights

J.W.Goethe:Faust II

E. Burke:A Philosophical Enquiry

Ch.Clark:The Sleepwalkers - How Europe went to War in 1914

J. Roth:Radetzkymarsch

N.Bostrom:Superintelligence - Paths, dangers, Strategies




A.Benade:Ton och Klang

A.Bjönsson:Svindleriets ädla konst - En idébiografi över Joseph Roth

N.Shachar:Blodseld och nordisk längtan - Oscar Levertin och hans tid

J.Roth:Hotel Savoy

W.Shakespeare:Twelfth Night

A.Strindberg:I Havsbandet

M.MacMillan:The War that ended Peace - How Europe Abandoned Peace for the First World War

O.Hale:The Great Illusion

J.W.Goethe:Dichtung und Wahrheit - Erster Teil

Th.Mann:Goethes Laufbahn als Schriftsteller  

K.Mansfield:In a German Pension

C.S.Peirce:Selected Writings of

A.C.Doyle:The Lost World


I. Gleichauf:Ingeborg Bachmann und Max Frisch - Eine Liebe zwischen Intimität und Öffentlichkeit

O.Holmberg:Thomas Manns Josef och hans bröder

E.Kolb:Otto von Bismarck - Eine Biographie

C.Bukowski:Ham on Rye

K.Thomas:Religion and the Decline of Magic


Th. Bernhard:Die Ursache

J. Farrell:Young Lonigan


L. van der Post:The Lost World of the Kalahari

L. van der Post:Venture to the Interior


A.Mykle:Sangen om den röde rubin

Th.Bernhard:Der Keller

Ch.Isherwood:Goodbye to Berlin


C.V.Wedgwood:Thirty Years War

M.Frisch:Aus dem Berliner Journal

J.W.Goethe:Dichtung und Wahrheit - Zweiter Teil

K.Schröter:Thomas Mann

J.Hilton:Good-Bye, Mr. Chips

Th.Mann:Leiden und Grösse Richard Wagners

N.Hamilton:The Brothers Mann

Th.Mann:Tonio Kröger

Th.Mann:Mario und der Zauberer

S.Stolpe:Lätt, snabb och öm

J.O.Olsson & M.Sjögren:Drottningens England

A.Moszkowski:Conversations with Einstein

A.J.P. Taylor:The Course of German History

Th.Mann:Über mich selbst - Autobiographischen Schriften

E.Mach:Erkenntnis und Irrtum - Skizzen zur Psychologie der Forschung

E.Gombrich:Art and Illusion

Th.Bernhard:Der Atem

Ch.Isherwood:Prater Violet

K.Clark:Landscape into Art

R.G. Collingwood:Art and Culture

J.Ruskin:The Stones of Venice


H.Mann:Ein Zeitalter wird besichtigt - Erinnerungen

G.Schaller:Stones of Silence - Journeys in the Himalaya

P.Matthiessen:The Snow Leopard

Th.Bernhard:Die Kälte

H.Swenson:Franska Profiler

H.Ibsen:Når vi döde vågner

L. van der Post:Journey into Russia

S.Nordin:Sven Stolpe - Blåsten av ett temperament

L.Rubinstein:Ryska Dagsedlar

L.van der Post:Jung and the Story of our time

Th. Bernhard:Ein Kind

J.W.Goethe:Dichtung und Wahrheit - Dritter Teil


S.Pinker:The Sense of Style - The Thinking Persons's Guide to Writing in the 21st Century

J.Bate:English Literature - A Very Short Introduction

S-E.Liedman:Karl Marx - En Biografi

H.Morales:Classical Mythology - A Very Short Introduction

R.Backhouse:The Penguin History of Economics

A.Björnsson:I Bildts Tid

Y.Kawabata:Beauty and Sadness

J.M.Keynes:The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money

F.Whipple:Orbiting the Sun


R.Hersh & V.John-Steiner:Loving + Hating Mathematics - Challenging the Myths of Mathematical Life

K.Clark:Rembrandt - and the Italian Renaissance

P.Matthiessen:Under the Mountain Wall - A Chronicle of two Seasons in Stone Age New Guinea

C.Brontë:Jane Eyre

I.Watt (ed.):Jan Austen - A Collection of Critical Essays

K.Mansfield:Bliss and Other Stories

R.G.Collingwood:Tales of Enchantment

I.Turgenev:On the Eve

C.Safina:Beyond Words - What Animals Think and Feel

K.Clark:Leonardo da Vinci

H.Trevor-Roper:The Invention of Scotland - Myth and History

E.Gombrich:Meditations on a Hobby Horse - And other Essays on the Theory of Art

Platon:Kriton/Euthyfron/Laches/Den mindre Hippias

W.Shakespeare:Titus Andronicus

R.G.Collingwood:Essays in Political Philosophy

A.Sisman:Hugh Trevor-Roper - The Biography

N.Hawthorne:The Blithedale Romance

G.B.Shaw:The Doctor's Dilemma

W.Shakespeare:Troilus and Cessida

M. van Reis:Den Siste Poeten - En essä om Paul Celans aska

S.Bergman:I Morgonstillhetens Land

W.Shakespeare:Antony and Cleopatra

J.W.Goethe:Dichtung und Wahrheit - Vierter Teil

M.Keen:The Pelican History of Medieval Europe

C.Villani:Birth of a Theorem - A Mathematical Adventure


J.Roth:Reisen in die Ukraine und nach Russland

S.Toulmin & J.Goodfield:The Fabric of the Heavens

S.Toulmin & J. Goodfield:The Architecture of Matter

N.Hawthorne:The Marble Faun

C.Heldner&T.Rönnerstrand:Krisernas Grekland - I politik och litteratur


C.Allègre:From Stone to Star - A view of Modern Geology

N.Hawthorne:Twice Told Tales

Q.Bell:Virginia Woolf - A Biography - I

Q.Bell:Virginia Woolf - A Biography II

C.Allègre:The Behavior of the Earth - Continental and Seafloor Mobility

H.Innes:Atlantic Fury

V.Woolf:Mrs Dalloway

E.H.Gombrich:Ideals and Idols - Essays on values in history and in art

J.Ruskin:On Art and Life


S.Toulmin & J.Goodfield:The Discovery of Time

W.G. Collingwood:The Life of John Ruskin


H.Fallada:Jeder stirbt für sich allein


U.Schutz:Immanuel Kant

I. Kant:Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Morals

G.Wills:Saint Augustine

W.Shakespeare:Henry IV Part I

W.Shakespeare:Henry IV Part II


I.Kant:Zum ewigem Frieden

K.Popper:The World of Parmenides


A.J.P. Taylor:The Habsburg Monarchy 1809-1918

G.Moberg:Sällsamt Land - Genom Saharaöknen till Tiblisbergen

M.Born:Vår Rastlösa Värld

J.Jeans:Hur Fysiken utvecklats - Och vad den betyder för Mänskligheten

A.Zamoyski:Poland - A History


E.Mayr:What Evolution is

V.Woolf:The Waves

M.Beard:Confronting the Classics - Traditions, Adventures and Innovations

E.Mayr:This is Biology - The Science of the Living World

S.Holmsen:Äventyr i Söderhavet

H.Hesse:Die Nürnberger Reise

H.Hesse:Peter Camenzind

G.Greene:The Quiet American

N.Davies:God's Playground - A History of Poland I - The Origins to 1795

A.Zischka:Vetenskap kontra Råvarumonopol

J.R.Partington:A Short History of Chemistry

E.M.Forster:Where Angels Fear to Tread

G.B.Shaw:Mrs Warren's Profession



A.Rowthorn:The Wisdom of John Muir

D.Attenborough:Life On Air

A. de Botton:The Course of Love


G.B.Shaw:The Philanderer

G.B.Shaw:Widowers's Houses

R.Fjellström:Liv och Död - & Andra Omständigheter

J.Diamond:The World until Yesterday

B.Brecht:Leben des Galilei

F.Stafford:The Long, Long Life of Trees

A.Chekhov:Three Years

R.Musil:Die Verwirrungen des Zöglings Törleß

W.Berghahn:Robert Musil

W.Shakespeare:Love's Labor's Lost

D.Lieven:Towards the Flame - Empire, War and the End of Tsarist Russia

J.L.Coolidge:The Mathematics of Great Amateurs

A.J.Berry:Henry Cavendish

B.Bryson:The Road to Little Dribbling - More Notes from a Small Island

I.Stewart:Significant Figures - The Lives and Work of Great Mathematicians

G.Dyson:Turing's Cathedral - The Origin of the Digital Universe

R.Fjellström:Villkorlig Barndom

H. von Kleist:Der Zweikampf

H. von Kleist:Michael Kohlhaas

K.Sigmund:Sie nannten sich der Wiener Kreis - Exaktes Denken am Rand der Untergangs

M.Geier:Der Wiener Kreis

C.Zuckmeyer:Der Seelenbrüu - Erzählung


P.Gay:Weimar Culture - The Outsider as Insider

A.Briggs:Victorian People - A reassessment of persons \& themes 1851-1867

K.Amis:Russian Hide and Seek

G.Schildt:I Odysseus Kölvatten

T.Wilder:The Bridge of San Luis Rey

O.Goldsmith:The Vicar of Wakefield


E.H.Gombrich:The Image and the Eye - Further studies in the psychology of pictorial representation

L.Lönnroth:Det germanska spåret

W.Bergengruen:Döden i Reval

Th.Heath:Greek Astronomy

A.Bullock:Hitler - A Study in Tyranny

R.Kapuscinski:Shahernas Shah

A.Hammarlund:Esplanad - En Ess\"a om Frihet och Sk\"onhet

N.Shachar:Den g\aa tfulla passionen - Ess\"aer om den spanska v\"arlden

K.Bojs:Min europeiska familj de senaste 54000 \aa ren

A.Briggs:Victorian Cities

A.Conan Doyle:Five Sherlock Holmes Adventures

P.Luthersson:Ur dagboken - 1978-2012

J.Barnes:Nothing to be frightened of

H.G.Wells:Experiment in Autobiography I

H.G.Wells:Experiments in Autobiography II

G.Simenon:L'amie de madame Maigret

G.Simenon:Le Voleur de Maigret

G.Simenon:Le Revolver de Maigret

G.Simenon:La Chambre Bleue

C.P. Snow:Time of Hope

C.P.Snow:George Passant

P.Domingos:The Master Algorithm - How the Quest for the Ultimate Learning Machine will remake our World

G.Simenon:Le Chien jaune

G.Simenon:L'Affaire Saint-Fiacre

D.Foenkinos:Les coeurs autonomes

Th.Bernard:Goethe schtirbt

A.Gide:La Symphonie pastorale

P.Wästberg:Semaforen och lodlinan

H.G.Wells:H.G.Wells in Love

H.G.Wells:Russia in the Shadows

H.G.Wells:A Slip under the Microscope

H.G.Wells:Ann Veronica

G.Simenon:Le clan des Ostendais

G.Simenon:Les 13 Enigmes

D.Kehlmann:Ich und Kaminski

D.H.Montgomery:The Leading Facts of English History

G.West:Scale - The universal laws of life and death in organisms, cities and companies


G.Simenon:La Neige était sale

J.Barnes:The Noise of Time

E.H.Gombrich:Topics of our Time - Twentieth-century issues in learning and in art

G.Simenon:Maigret au Picratt's

P.Dupuy:La Vie d'Évariste Galois

I.Asimov:The Stars in their Courses

K.Lorenz:Aggression - Dess bakgrund och natur

J.Fenimore Cooper:The Last of the Mohicans

H.G.Wells:In the Days of the Comet

G.Simenon:Maigret et son mort

H.Engdahl:Cigaretten efteråt

K.Vonnegut:Slaughterhouse Five

N.Burton:Gutenberggalaxens Nova

O.Wikander:I Döda Språks Sällskap

G.Simenon:La Colère de Maigret

James Salter:A Sport and a Pastime

P-M. Johansson & S-E Liedman:En Spricka i Språket - Marx och Freud - våra samtida

K.Ulveson:Svenska för Främlingar

J.Gleick:Time Travel - A History

C.P.Snow:The Conscience of the Rich

E.Kästner:Als ich ein kleiner Junge war

Jules Verne:Les cing cents millions de la Bégume

D.Reich:Who we are and how we got here - Ancient DNA and the new science of the human past

K.Feuerstein-Pra\ss er:Die Frauen der Dichter - Leben und Lieben an der Seite der Genies. 12 Porträts

S.Andersson:Om Vetenskapens gränser

E.H.Gombrich:Shadows - The Depiction of Cast Shadows in Western Art

C.P.Snow:The Light and The Dark

G.Simenon:Trois Chambres á Manhattan

S.Shapin:The Scientific Revolution

J.Renoir:Renoir, my father

J.Bronowski:The Origins of Knowledge and Imagination

J.Bronowski:The Visionary Eye - Essays in the Arts, Literature and Science

J.Bronowski& B.Mazlish:The Western Intellectual Tradition - From Leonardo to Hegel

H.Bloom:How to Read and Why

R.L.Stevenson:L'île au trésor

J.Verne:De la terre a la lune

S.Garfield:Just my Type - A book about fonts

C.P.Snow:The Masters

S.Potter:Language in the Modern World


G.K.Chesterton:The Victorian Age in Literature

Stendhal:Mina de Vanghel

J.Verne:Le tour du monde en 80 jours

S.Zweig:Triumph und Tragik des Erasmus von Rotterdam

G.Simenon:Maigret et le corps sans tête

A.Dumas:Les trois mousquetaires I

H.G. Wells:The Wheels of Chance - A Bicycling Idyll

W.Weaver:Sannolikhet - En introduktion til den moderna sannolikhetsläran

M.J.Moroney:Facts from Figures

J.Updike:Roger's Version

H.Dingle:The Special Theory of Relativity

G.Simenon:Lettre à mon Juge

I.Watt:The Rise of the Novel

I.Evans:A Short History of English Literature




T.R. Gerholm:Fysiken och Människan

L.Barnett:Einstein och universum

E.H.Gombrich:Gombrich on the Renaissance I - Norm and Form


I.Asimov:Kemins historia

K.Matson:Short Lives

Hj.Bergman:Clownen Jac

Z.Topelis:Fältskärns Berättelser I

Z.Topelius:Fältskärns berättelser II

F.Dürrenmatt:Der Verdacht

G.Simenon:Les Témoins

R.Feynman:The Character of Physical Law

Diderot:Le neveu de Rameau

J.Monod:Le hasard et la nécessité - Essai sur la philosophie naturelle de la biologie moderne


J.Lukacs:The Passing of the Modern Age

J.Verne:Le Chancellor

D.Sayers:Have his carcase

G-C.Rota:Indiscrete Thoughts

G.Simenon:La Prison

J.Verne:Paris au XXe siécle

E.Zola:Therese Raquin

C.P.Snow:The New Men


C.P.Snow:The Affair

C.P.Snow:Corridors of Power

C.P.Snow:The Sleep of Reason

C.P.Snow:Last Things

D.L.Sayers:Whose Body?

D.L.Sayers:Murder Must Advertise

D.L.Sayers:Strong Poison

B.Chatwin:In Patagonia

D.Ruelle:The Mathematician's Brain - A personal tour through the essentials of mathematics and some of the great minds behind them

B.Chatwin& P.Theroux:Patagonia Revisited

C.G.Jung:The Spirit in Man, Art and Literature

G.Simenon:L'homme de Londres

J.Buchan:The Island of Sheep

G.Simenon:Les demoiselles de Concarneau

J.Buchan:The Three Hostages

B.Liljenberg:Bo Bergman - Den kritiske livsbetraktaren

D.Lessing:In Pursuit of the English

N.Valmin:Det underbara Grekland

H.Hesse:Ro\ss halde


A.Gide:Les Faux-monnayeurs

A.Gide:Journal des faux-monnayeurs

K.Popper:After the Open Society

P.J.Davis, R.Hersh:The Mathematical Experience

C.G.Jung:On the Nature of the Psyche

H.Bloom:The Western Canon

J.Myrdal:Kinesisk Resa


H.Fallada:Kleiner Mann, was nun?

G.Simenon:Le Train

J.Lukacs:Budapest 1900

ed. D.L.Hurd, J.J.Kipling:The Origins and Growth of the Physical Science I

ed. D.L.Hurd J.J.Kipling:The Origins and Growth of Physical Science II


E.H.Gombrich:Gombrich on the Renaissance II - Symbolic Images

A.Camus:La Peste

K.Sagar:The Life of D.H.Lawrence

D.H.Lawrence:Sea and Sardinia

G.Simenon:L'etoile du Nord - et autres enquêtes de Maigret

J.Verne:Michel Strogoff

D.Kehlmann:Mahlers Zeit

S.Lagerlöf:En Herrgådssägen

J.Buchan:The Thirty-nine Steps

D.H.Lawrence:Studies in Classical American Literature


H.Martinsson:Kap Farväl


K.Löwith:From Hegel to Nietzsche

I.Deutscher:The Prophet Armed - A Biography of Leon Trotsky

B.Pasternak:Doctor Zjivago

E.Radzinsky:The Last Tsar - The Life and Death of Nicholas II

B.Pasternak:The Last Summer

B.Pasternak:Safe Conduct

B.Pasternak:The Childhood of Luvers

G.Simenon:La veuve Couderc

P.G.Wodehouse:Carry on, Jeeves

I.Lindmarker:Hemma i Moskva

I.Deutscher:The Prophet Unarmed - A Biography of Leon Trotsky

I.Deutscher:The Prophet Outcast - A Biography of Leon Trotsky

M.Gorky:Through Russia

G.T.Robinson:Rural Russia - Under the Old Regime

E.Engzell:Med Bilen till Italien

J.Bayley:Tolstoy and the Novel

L.Tolstoy:The Cossacks

A.Gide:Retour de l'U.S.S.R. - suivi de Retouches

V.Serge:Mémoires d'un Révolutionnaire

J.Buchan:John Macnab

M.Gorky:Untimely Thoughts

M.Gorky:On Literature

P.G.Wodehouse:The Inimitable Jeeves


M.Gorky:The Lower Depths

I.Turgenev:Väter und Söhne

I.Turgenev:Erste Liebe

N.Mandelstam:Hope Against Hope

M.Gorky:Fragments from My Diary

V.Serge, N.Sedova:The Life and Death of Leon Trotsky

R.Lindborg:René Descartes

A.Solzhenitsyn:The Gulag Archipelago



F.Dostoevsky:Netochka Nezvanova

V.S.Pritchett:The Gentle Barbarian - The Life and Work of Turgenev

L.Trotsky:My Life - An Attempt at an Autobiography